Friday, November 18, 2011

Vision or Dream Boards

Do you know or have you heard about vision boards? Do you know anyone that uses them?
I have completed two of my vision board goals and am working on completing another. 

The purpose of a vision board is to give you a visual picture of what you want in your life. It is like an open scrap book that you can see all the time. Do you want to go on a cruise, see Italy, buy new dishes, new clothes, a new car, want more money, a bigger office, to visit a day spa as often as you wish, to travel and see the world, to learn how to cook like a chef, a new lawn mower, repair your sewing machine…you see it does not matter, because it is your vision, it is about you. 
I had placed three items on my vision board one was a cruise, now completed; one was a home for me, completed; one is getting my sewing machine fixed, in the process. Want a college degree, put a cap & gown on your board, want that new car, find a picture, print it out and glue/tape it to your board.  It is not about the length of time for the action it is about seeing it everyday, believing that you will achieve this goal and turn your life around for the good. 

          A vision board is a place where you can put 
your dreams of achievement.

This is just one of the many tools that I have used to get where I am today. Belief in yourself will take you a very long way.  

Do you have a deep desire to take back control of your life? 

Do your own research on vision boards or dream boards, seek out pictures to print, type of words that have meaning for you, make them big, bold, colorful, creative paste/tape them to a construction board, search through magazines. 
I use words like Achievement, success, happiness, courage, faith, freedom, smile, worthy, healthy, are just a few of the words I have chosen. 

As you conquer one goal take it down and replace it with another. Keep your board, fresh, moving and alive.  

Here are a couple of quotes from leaders:
“Envisioning means quite literally making something up out of thin air-and making it real. By definition, you can't do that within the confines of your skull. It needs to become physical; it needs to involve your senses. In other words, you need to write it down. Making pictures of it, which people sometimes call a “dream board,” is even better. Speaking it out loud is the most powerful of all. But at the very least, write it down. The moment you do, it has started to become real”
- Jeff Olson, The Slight Edge

“Set aside time each and every day to visualize every one of y our goals as already complete. This is one of the most vital things you can do to make your dreams come true. Some psychologists are now claiming that one hour of visualization is worth 7 hours of physical effort. That's a tall claim, but it makes an important point - visualization is one of the strongest tools in your success toolbox. Make sure you use it.”
- Jack Canfield, The Success Principles

By creating your vision board and visualizing your future, you can ultimately create the life of your dreams!  

Dream, Believe, Achieve and become…you can do it  

Becoming a butterfly,

P. S. I would also like to include in this blog a recent audio that I have listened to to add value to this as well as importance.
New Dimensions

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