Well it is December 31, 2011 at 8:45 pm pst.
The last week was a very hard one for some friends and I. We lost the most incredible lady I have ever known. You may have read some of the postings about Sarah Thompson on Facebook. She was our team leader, mentor to so many, best friend and a very loving Mother. It was devastating news to hear she had passed. I know that it is always hard to have a loved one move on, but this was one of those that really hurt. You really feel a loss inside; Sarah meant so much too so many people around the world.
In May, Sarah had some very adverse health issues, several heart attacks, surgeries, internal bleeding, but somehow by the grace of God she pulled through all of that and appeared to be doing really well. She sounded wonderful, strong, and healthy on our team calls and on training calls she had completed the previous week; some really great training. It is kind of like God did not feel Sarah was ready to go in May because she had not yet completed her task and prepared us for the future.
These past few months I have had the honor of re-connecting with people that were previously friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and/or co-workers. I have been giving this some thought as to why these people are coming back into my life now. I don’t understand everything yet, but I do know that people come and go, but when your life is under duress, you lose connection with people and ourselves.
I think because of the changes in myself these people are being re-directed back to me. It is like OK, she is now ready to be around you again. I like that; I think it is so cool that I am re-connecting with past friendships. It means that I am growing and becoming a better person. If God did not feel that I was ready to socialize he would not be putting these people in front of me.
We all go through turmoil in our lives. It is what we do with it that makes a difference. We can continue to mutter, or we can read the map, pick a road, make a plan and move forwards. Sarah used to say we all have our own Mt. Everest, each one of us has our own mountain to climb, and no one can do it for us. It is for us to do the work.
Reminds me of the story of the three men that Jesus gave money to, one did nothing, buried it out of fear of losing it, one made a little money and the third trusted through faith and made the best investments. God does not give us more then we can handle, even when we think we are carrying Mt. Everest on our shoulders.
It has been an incredible journey these past couple of years. I have gone through every emotion, feeling sadness, bitterness, resentment, anger, pity, fear, impoverished, guilt, inadequate, maybe even a little envy, and don’t forget about paybacks. But all that is past, I have conquered that part of the journey and come out on the other side of the mountain ridge. I do still have some self-doubt and negativity to get rid of, but I made it.
What do I see now; clear skies, a little chill in the air, clean fresh air and a new trail yet uncharted.
I am anxious and excited; I have new shoes to try out on this trail. My camera is loaded and ready for whatever new venture is in front of me. I hope you will come with me on the journey.
Oh yeah, I forgot to share, my friend and I went into a camera store this past week. This past year I had purchased a Canon Powershot SX130. I asked him if he would help me with my camera and explain what I could do different. Wow, did I learn a lot. First he told me that I had a great camera for a point and shoot. That made me happy, I am not very knowledgeable in this area; something that is going to be new to learn this year, learn how to use and understand my camera and photography. It is after all a part of my bucket list.
Oh, I also want to mention working on your vision board for this year. Start looking ahead at what you want to conquer in 2012. Don’t forget to look at your book list. I have several that I am going to re-read before I invest in new material. That may also be part of my new business blog, the books I am reading and what my take on the book is.
Great things are going to happen this year; I feel it in my bones.
I want to wish you all a very wonderful, positive, inspirational, encouraging, thought provoking New Year in 2012. May God bless your lives, instill great things into your hearts, give you wisdom and strength.
Becoming a butterfly,