Friday, July 9, 2010

So Whats UP?

Are You struggling with everyday life? 
Do you just want to but head in the sand?
Did you know that we are given different directions in life,
sometimes we come across a really tough one, 
so hang on, 
because it does get better. 
It is all about perspective, how we see or not see what is happening. 
Ask yourself-what can I learn from this? 
In the end, what is the worst that can happen? 

Will I succumb to what is happening 
will I take it as a challenge to grow and learn from it?

This is YOUR time to grow and shine. 
Let your life shine as bright as a star. 
Be empowering so others can see your growth

 God does not create Junk!
We are not on this earth without a purpose, 
regain your inner strength.

 We are always growing, 
so grow and blossom like
a beautiful

Growth is such a wonderful thing; 
I am so thankful that I was given 
this experience that has taught me to grow.

"Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction."~unknown

Wishing you all peace, and joy
Carol Scheid

Have a blessed week

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